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KS5 - Enterprise, Customer Service and Active Citizens

Year 12

Autumn - The World of Work

Working as a group in the Community/At Work
Develop skills about how to become an active contributor when working with others on group activities, reviewing own progress and skills development

Spring - Personal Health and Wellbeing 

Managing Social Relationships
Using appropriate behaviours when interacting with others in social situations

Summer - Achieving Together 

Dealing with Problems in Daily Life
Concept of problem-solving, identifying problems and how these can be tackled with help from others

Year 13

Autumn - Employability and Entrepreneurial Skills 

Developing Self Ready for Work
Reflect on own personal development, and how your personal skills, abilities and behaviours can be improved

Spring - Managing Positive Health and Wellbeing

Investigating Charities and Social Enterprise
What are they, and how can they help keep us happy, healthy and safe

Summer - Supporting and Leading others

Event Planning (Duke of Edinburgh)
Learning about the role of an event planner, before producing a plan for an event, considering all aspects essential to success and contingencies. 

Community Living (inc. careers education and independent living)

This is a new subject that students pick up in Y13. They will start to investigate the further education provisions and employment options available to them after Southfield. Students will follow a Plan > Do > Review approach to visiting each provision. Alongside this, students will learn about road safety and travel training (covering topics such as distractions, speed, personal safety), as well as Housing and Independent Living Skills.
There are three units each with individual content, but to deepen the learning experience these are taught simultaneously.


Year 14

Autumn - Employment, Learning and Support in my Community

Individual rights and responsibilities
Identify rights you have, identify responsibilities your have to yourself and to others, demonstrate taking personal responsibility

Spring - Resilience and Independence

Preparation For Work and a Happy Life
Understand skills and qualities needed for working life, and to interests/ hobbies that can keep you happy, healthy and safe

Summer - Making a Positive Contribution to my Community

Community Action
Participate in local community activities, and understand the benefits of these activities for yourself and the community

Community Living (inc. careers education and independent living)

In Year 13, students started to experience more of their wider community, visiting provisions and identifying their aspirations and future goals. They will now continue to investigate the further education provisions and employment options available to them after Southfield. Students will follow a Plan > Do > Review approach to visiting each provision. Alongside this, students will learn about road safety and travel training (covering topics such as distractions, speed, personal safety), as well as Housing and Independent Living Skills. We expect students to do this with increasing independence, confidence and accuracy.

There are three units each with individual content, but to deepen the learning experience, these are taught simultaneously.