Teaching and Learning Policy Sept 2023
Teaching and Learning Policy
Policy details
Date created - 13/09/2022
Date approved - 11/10/2022
Date reviewed and approved - 28/09/2023
Next review date - September 2024
3. Curriculum and Assessment 2
6. Continuous Professional Development 5
7. EHCP Assessment Outcomes and Annual Review Targets 5
Statement of intent
At Co-op Academy Southfield we value our students and their uniqueness. We will never let anything get in the way of our high aspirations for them. To make sure that they achieve all that they are capable of, we will ensure that our curriculum is literacy rich and is broad and balanced so that the students have exposure to a curriculum that engages and challenges them regardless of their background. Our curriculum will be sequenced so that the students are taught firm foundations and that subsequent learning builds upon what the students already know and can do. We want the students to become responsible citizens who can make positive contributions in adulthood and so we ensure that they are fully equipped with the skills and knowledge to thrive in modern Britain. We will make sure that they are supported in a range of situations external to the school environment too so that we are contributing to their personal development as well as their academic development. The Co-op Values will be the golden thread running through our endeavours and our approaches.
The purpose of this policy is:
- To ensure the best quality learning and teaching for all our pupils.
- To ensure equality of opportunity for our pupils (all of whom have an EHCP)
- To ensure that our students are supported to become the very best version of themselves
- To promote the Co-op Values
1. Legal framework
- This policy has due regard to statutory legislation including, but not limited to, the following:
- Equality Act 2010
- Equality Act 2010 (Disability) Regulations 2010
- This policy also has due regard to statutory and non-statutory guidance including, but not limited to, the following:
- DfE (2015) ‘Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years’
Due regard must be had to the current Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy at all times whilst undertaking the tasks within and functions of this policy.
2. Equal opportunities
2.1 We aim to ensure that all pupils, wherever possible, have access to all lessons and clubs, as appropriate.
2.2 We respect each other’s religions, cultures, values and beliefs.
2.3 The school endeavours to be fully inclusive. All lessons are made accessible for all our pupils – this may be through the use of adapted resources, through support from LSAs, or through the use of sensory resources.
2.4 All pupils are fully included in all lessons where possible – we will do all that we can to ensure that our staff are highly trained to ensure that pupils are catered for, whatever their special educational needs and disabilities.
2.5 We aim to increase a 'total communication' approach to ensure that all pupils can access the lessons – this includes the use of signing, symbols and objects of reference where needed.
2.6 All staff have high expectations of all pupils and aim to provide an environment where all pupils are fully included as far as is reasonably practicable and can achieve their best.
3. Curriculum and Assessment
3.1 The school is on a journey of curriculum development to allow students to have access to a sequenced programme of learning that takes into account their prior learning and their future learning. The development of the curriculum will continue this academic year with a review cycle each term. To implement the curriculum we will develop staff subject knowledge, identify specialist resources and use adaptive teaching methods that ensure all students make good progress. Staff will work collaboratively to ensure consistency in identifying and sharing best practice in teaching and learning across all the subjects of the curriculum.
3.2 Our curriculum builds on that from our main primary feeder school. Our curriculum takes account of the requirements of the national curriculum but is modified to ensure that our students are taught the things that are important to them and their preparation for adulthood.
3.3 Across the key stages, our students follow the following themes
- Y7 All About Me
- Y8 My Body Can
- Y9 Choices and Voices
- Y10 Risky Business
- Y11 Bradford and Beyond
- Y12 Ambitions and Aspirations
- Y13 Entering Adulthood
- Y14 Life After Southfield
3.4 As students progress through the key stages the curriculum offers subjects that reflect the need to develop more targeted skills and knowledge in preparation for future pathways.
Long term curriculum plans describe what the students learned before that make them ready to learn this now and how will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next. This structure ensures a sequence of learning across each subject area.
3.5 Medium-term plans for all subject areas have a broad learning outcome specified. The medium term plan has a sequence of knowledge and skills which are taught to meet the learning outcome, this includes our learners who are working on the Engagement stage standards. All students in the year group work towards the subject’s learning outcome but will be at different stages in their acquisition of knowledge and skills.
3.6 We are developing a robust curriculum assessment system to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum to ensure students make good progress.
3.7 The curriculum is designed to enable all students to be effective communicators, giving them confidence and preparing them to become active citizens in their community. Our school is working towards using a ‘total communication’ approach to learning. This includes the use of symbols, signing, and visual aids. We make effective use of ICT.
3.8 CEIAG aims to help students, through careers and work-related activities and employer interventions, to be able to: Understand themselves and develop their capabilities in relation to future learning and employment opportunities. Our CEIAG policy is available upon request.
3.9 A copy of the school’s curriculum is available upon request.
4. Lesson planning
4.1 Lesson planning is used to support professional practice of teachers. Leaders will look at planning to help support colleagues, ensuring that all pupils have access to the highest quality of education, to review effectiveness of the curriculum and provide CPD opportunities.
4.2 LSAs and intervention staff are strategically placed to support learning as directed by class teachers and the leadership team.
4.3 For most classes, lessons include a combination of whole-class, group and individual teaching.
4.4 Clear routines are used throughout the school and understood by all pupils and staff.
4.5 Opportunities to improve Maths and English/Communication are provided throughout all lessons.
4.6 Opportunities to embrace learning outside of the classroom are valued and planned to provide contextual learning.
4.7 All staff are expected to present themselves as a positive role model for our students and show the Co-op values at all times.
5. Learning Environments
5.1 There are positive effects on standards and motivation of pupils associated with the physical environment. Factors include the use of displays, music, the use of resources including ICT, the consideration of pupil groups in the physical layout of the room.
Teachers are responsible for ensuring that classrooms are an exciting, stimulating and welcoming places to be by;
- Arranging space to create a safe and flexible learning environment
- Making sure equipment is labelled and accessible to promote independent learning
- Creating a space for each student; adding to a sense of belonging
- Teaching, and expecting, students to respect and care for their environment
- Ensuring that environments are inviting and all areas are clear and clutter free
5.2 All classes make use of visual timetables and calendars – these are designed to aid pupils to make sense of their day.
5.3 All classes display the students’ current targets to ensure that everyone is able to support the students in achieving these targets.
5.4 Our PSD curriculum has been and continues to be developed to build the self-esteem and confidence of our students through their time in the school so that they feel equipped to address new challenges.
5.5 We have a strong commitment to the personal development of all students. The school’s curriculum values and Co-op values support spiritual, moral, social and cultural characteristics in all pupils. SMSC is embedded throughout the curriculum, this integrated approach ensures that all aspects of SMSC are considered in all subject areas.
5.6 We use displays to support, reinforce and celebrate learning. Displays should aid recall, stimulate thinking, celebrate achievement and motivate children towards future learning.
6. Continuous Professional Development
6.1 We are working to build the quality of teaching and learning and are adopting a model of CPD input and half termly monitoring of the impact of that.
6.2 We have teachers at all stages of their careers, with a wider range of experience and expertise. We know that all teachers have different areas of strength in their practice, and areas they are working on to develop.
6.3 We would expect new teachers to be working ‘at standard’, those in the early part of their career and on MPS to be ‘secure’, and those teachers on UPR or holding TLRs to be ‘expert’ in most standards.
6.4 We will ensure that staff are supported to develop their knowledge and skills to provide improved teaching and learning for our students. We aim to identify and share good practice in teaching and learning across all curriculum areas. Staff are encouraged to identify their own training needs as well as the senior leadership team updating staff training as required. Staff are encouraged to stay up-to-date with new research concerning teaching.
7. EHCP Assessment Outcomes and Annual Review Targets
7.1 Progress against personal EHCP Outcomes is assessed on a continuous basis to inform planning and is moderated each term. Targets are then awarded a ‘met’ or ‘not met’ evidence-based judgement by a member of the leadership team at the Annual Review.
7.2 During the annual review meeting students have ambitious annual targets set; teachers plan to ensure that opportunities within lessons are embedded to allow students to make progress towards these.
7.3 The EHCP describes the unique targets that are appropriate for the student and these are derived in consultation with parents/carers and other involved professionals.
7.4 Targets include the areas of greatest need for the individual student and always include Maths and English/Communication.
7.5 Our expectation is that all staff value the individual uniqueness of students in their class, and that staff take every opportunity to develop effective relationships. This in turn enables them to know the students well and to assess their learning appropriately. This is supported by the use of ‘All About Me’ profiles and collaborative working with families.
8. Parents/Carers
8.1 We know that it is the team around the students that make them successful and working with parents is something that is incredibly important to us.
8.2 We value our pupils’ parents/carers and want to develop effective relationships which mean that they will feel able to be open and honest with us. If there are any concerns, then we would want to create environments where parents/carers would feel able to let us know about this so that we can help.
8.2 We hold regular coffee mornings throughout the year for parents to meet staff, find out more about the school and share their views.
8.3 Families have the opportunity to attend a yearly parents’ evenings and encourage further contact throughout the year whenever this is needed. The primary method of communication is Class Dojo.
8.4 Every student has an annual review and we encourage all parents/carers/professionals to attend.
8.5 Although we cannot meet with parents/carers without prior arrangement, if a parent/carer cannot make themselves available for any of the above but would still like to visit school, we will always do our best to accommodate this.
9. Pupil Welfare
9.1 The school has an ethos of positive behaviour management.
9.2 Staff are encouraged to recognise that all behaviour is a form of communication.
9.3 Some students who require extra help with their behaviour benefit from behaviour support plans and these plans are shared with all staff to ensure a consistent approach.
9.4 Attendance is really important. Without high attendance, our students cannot benefit from our curriculum and we therefore expect all students to be in attendance unless their health needs are such that this is not possible.
9.5 We recognise that there are occasions where some of our most complex pupils have medical needs that may mean they are not able to attend school from time-to-time. Where this is certified by a consultant we will arrange for home tuition to take place.
9.5 Holidays during term-time are not permitted. Headteachers are only permitted to authorise absence during term time for exceptional circumstances and any written requests from parents will be duly considered by the Headteacher.
9.6 The health and safety of our pupils is exceptionally important.
9.7 All staff members are expected to act in accordance with the Trust’s Health and Safety Policy, the local Health and Safety Policy, and associated procedures, including undertaking risk assessments where necessary.
10. Quality Assurance
10.1 The role of Quality Assurance (QA) is to ensure all students receive the highest possible quality of education throughout their time at Co-op Academy Southfield. All quality assurance activities aim to answer the following questions:
- What are we doing well that we can celebrate and share?
- What do we need to do better?
- How can we do it better?
- What evidence is there of our students making progress?
10.2 QA helps to support teachers and build expertise and capacity in the school to deliver positive outcomes for all. Through sharing, understanding and applying standards and expectations our quality assurance will help to raise standards and levels of consistency across staff. Rigorous and robust quality assurance gives confidence in teachers' judgments and provides assurance to parents and other stakeholders that all learners receive appropriate recognition for their achievements.
10.3 To assure high quality outcomes for our students, through teaching & learning there are a range of criteria to ensure that high standards are maintained, and outcomes improved for our students. The process involves monitoring of subject areas, using self-evaluation, SLT evaluation and planning for improvement. It is important that our analysis and judgement of the quality of teaching is robust, rigorous, fair and useful; this is why it is important to reach judgements based upon evidence from multiple sources of information.
10.4 We use a variety of different activities to carry out QA; and include Learning Visits, Walkarounds and analysis of Assessment Data. A more detailed description of QA used is available upon request.
Teaching and Learning Policy |