Performing Arts
Year 7
Learning Outcomes
- Know how to move safely to music.
- Know that I can make a preference in the music I like to listen to for enjoyment.
- Know that there are different instruments used to make music and sounds.
What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?
Students have taken part in music and dance lessons at primary school. In Year 7 students will focus on basic skills to work cooperatively with their new peers and develop the confidence as a class team to perform outside of the classroom.
How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?
Students will learn about personal space through moving to a range of genres of music. They will recognise boundaries when dancing alongside each other. Students will hear different genres of music and are encouraged to respond through movement. Students will respond to a lively celebration dance at the Christmas Showcase. Next term, students will experience a range of music genres to express a preference.
What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?
Students know how to listen and move to music safely. They have explored a range of movements depending on how a song makes them feel. Students are now ready to explore genres of music that they can listen and dance to for enjoyment.
How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?
Students will be introduced to a range of music: Classical, Bhangra, Rock and roll, Country, Indie, Big Band. They will respond through dance and words to express an opinion about what they hear. They will share their experiences of music they hear outside of school. Students will work towards a presentation in class to show or communicate what they enjoy. This work will prepare students to learn more about the instruments used to create music.
What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?
Students have experienced a range of music and have made a preference as to what they enjoy to listen and move to. They have had experience of presenting to a small group of peers. Students will look at and experience different instruments.
How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?
Students will explore a range of instruments. They will have opportunities to use instruments: tambourines, maracas, triangle, drums, ukulele. They will also listen to music with these in. Students will learn how sounds can be used to help tell a story and participate with instruments to tell a story to others. In year 8 students will use their bodies and instruments to learn about pulse and rhythm.
Year 8
Learning Outcomes
- Know that there are other ways to make sounds to follow a simple rhythm.
- Know how to keep their body in time with a beat.
- Know that the body can be used for expression.
What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?
This term students will learn how to use their body as percussion. They will copy simple rhythms using their hands and feet when they hear the music. Students will recognise patterns in music and learn to keep a simple beat. Students will also learn that there are sounds which are quieter and louder.
How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?
Students will clap, stomp, click and use their voice to make quiet and loud noises (not singing). They will also improvise and use everyday objects to bang, tap, shaken, scraped working towards a performance in the Christmas Showcase. This work will prepare students to respond to a beat in dance.
What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?
Students have experienced improvising to make sounds and keep a beat using their body and found items. Students are now ready to use their whole body in dance and keep to a simple beat. Students will follow instructions alongside their peers to learn a simple dance routine.
How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?
Students will perform simple movement patterns to a familiar song. Students will move safely in their own and general space, using changes of speed and direction. Students will understand spatial awareness and proximity to others when moving. This work will lead to sharing a simple dance routine in assembly. Next term students will learn about movement and character.
What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?
In year 8 students have focussed on themselves to learn what the body can do to make sounds and respond to the beat in a song. This term students are ready to explore movement further, recognising how characters can be portrayed through movement and dance. This work will lead to a performance at the Southfield Festival.
How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?
Students have the knowledge and skills to move to music. They know what they like to listen to and can follow a simple beat in a familiar tune. In year 9 students will focus on collaboration with their peers to make music and dance.
Year 9
Learning Outcomes
- Know how to move in time with my peers.
- Know how to work in collaboration with my peers.
- Know how to perform in character using a range of different actions and costume.
What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?
Students have the knowledge and skills to move to music and make sounds. They know what they like to listen to and can follow a simple beat in a familiar tune. Next, students will focus on collaboration with their peers to make music and dance. This term students will work together to perform in front of a wider audience.
How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?
Students will choose a song from a Disney film to interpret through music and dance. Students will use prior knowledge of keeping a beat, using expression in the role of either musician or dancer. Next term students will develop this further to create costumes to have the opportunity to perform at St Georges Hall in April.
What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?
Students have performed simple rhythmic sounds and simple dance routines to a Disney song. This term students will add to this performance and create costumes and a narrative.
How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?
Students will have an opportunity to perform at St. Georges Hall to showcase their performance. All students will attend the show and afterwards have an opportunity to reflect on the experience and say what they enjoyed about their peers' performances. Next term students will choose a short story to re-enact, adding aspects of what they saw and liked at the Musica Spectacular to their own performance.
What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?
Students have participated in a showcase with some students performing to a large audience at St Georges Hall. All students have observed peers performing and shared what they enjoyed about this. Students will now learn about how music is used in celebrations. They will make their own musical instruments to play at the Southfield Festival.
How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?
Students gain further knowledge of sounds which can be made by recycling materials. They work in pairs to make an instrument with which they can perform. Students choose a sensory story to retell using their voice and instruments. This learning will prepare them for a whole school short play next term.
Year 10
Learning Outcomes
- Know how to take on a role in a group to present a familiar story to an audience.
- Know that there are different genres of music around the world.
- Know that there are traditional dances from around the world.
What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?
Students have worked collaboratively to retell a familiar story using their voice and instruments. Prior to this they explored movement through dance and music. This learning has prepared them to create a Nativity performance for Christmas.
How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?
In the first half term, students will first explore what skills are needed to perform on a stage. They will revisit prior learning about character and movement. They will also listen to different pieces of music which are used for specific occasions: harvest, weddings etc. They will role-play different characters in the first half-term and make links to the English text book. In the second half term the students will write and perform their version of the Nativity. They will choose appropriate music to go with their narrative.
What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?
Last term, students heard music for specific occasions. Students have prior knowledge of different genres of music and are now exposed to a range of music from around the world.
How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?
Students will listen to and learn traditional songs from different parts of the world. They will learn that different music is more popular in different places around the world - China, Mexico, The Caribbean and Spain. This learning will prepare students to gain knowledge and experience of traditional dances around the world.
What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?
Students have listened to music and learned traditional songs from different parts of the world. This learning has prepared students to gain further knowledge about traditions in other countries and experience dances from around the world.
How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?
Taking part in dances from around the world has allowed students to increase their skill in moving to music and keeping a simple beat. Students have worked collaboratively and are now ready to start composing their own dances and movement to genres of music.
Year 11
Learning Outcomes
- Know how to follow a sequence of dance moves alongside peers.
- Know how to choreograph a simple dance routine.
- Know how if feels to perform in the context of a competition.
What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?
Taking part in dances from around the world has allowed students to increase their skill in moving to music and keeping a simple beat. Students have worked collaboratively and are now ready to start composing their own dances and movement to genres of music. Students will learn the key moves in country dancing. They will create a simple line dance to a country song.
How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?
Students will be able to combine movements fluently and effectively in a simple dance routine. They know how to use a broader range of skills and movement patterns and use these to create a bollywood style dance.
What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?
Students can combine movements fluently and effectively in a simple dance routine. They know how to use a broader range of skills and movement patterns and will use these to create a bollywood style dance.
How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?
Students will watch dances in Bollywood films. They will learn key moves and start to use expressions in their dancing. They will dance to the beat of the song whilst wearing traditional Asian dress. Students will perform the routine to a large audience at St.Georges Hall. This work will prepare students to take part in an inhouse competition Strictly Southfield Comes Dancing.
What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?
Students have been exposed to different musical styles, dance genres and emotions whilst mostly following the choreography of others. This will enable them to be able to choreograph their own dance routines to perform to their peers.
How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?
Students have developed the confidence in their own dance ability and the ability to communicate meaning and emotions through music. This will enable the students to be able to use music and dance as a social pastime/hobby that they can take into adult life. The students also begin to recognise the link between mental health and physical activity and use music and dance as a form of managing their wellbeing.